Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The meaning of life... or at least for my iPod

So as you can see, the yarn for the clappy finally arrived. The camera doesn't do it justice, because it is so intricate and beautiful with the varigation. I've been busily knitting away and will show it again when it looks slightly different.

In other news, I wanted to state for the record that I've officially begun hitting the gym again. I've got a great schedule, working from noon to 6 pm Monday through Thursday which leaves lots of gym time available.

In even other news, I've recently discovered podcasts and love them. I must make a plug for a few shows that are great! For news, I've been listening to Democracy Now! It comes out every week day and is an hour long! Think how much of your commute you could kill... commercial free! I've also been listening to Motivation to Move which is obviously motivating me to move and it talks about diet and exercise in general. To top it all off, I haven't actually listened to this podcast yet, but will today..... there is a knitting podcast! That's right! It's called KnitCast and the author interviews designers and famous knitters in each issue. I'm so excited to listen. One is with the woman who designed the clappy! Oh, did I mention that these are all free to listen to and you can easily download them with the new iTunes 4.9? Yeah, it's almost too good to be true.

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