It's also been gorgeous (for the most part), so I've been spending evenings on walks with the hubbie (and tearing him away from his x-box). I'm still knitting away on the two-socks-on-one-needle project.
This year, hubbie is joining me in the Eat Local challenge. It is a little different this time around: it's in May, instead of August, and we're living in a less diverse (yet still delicious) region. Here are our self-imposed rules for the month of May: Eat locally produced perishable goods 90% of the time. In our case, we are including anything from our state local, as it is a little harder than California to find deliciousness. Shop at local stores (or our county-based chains) 95% of the time. Any 2 for 1 deals may be purchased at non-local stores, and from non-local companies, but other purchases will not be tolorated! Hubbie may come on and guest-post on our progress. Wish us luck! Luckily, Starbucks and Nordstrom are both locally based chains!
So, while I was enjoying the sun, hubbie snapped a photo of the modified Odessa hat I made recently. I like to think of it as my bee-hive hat!

It is going to be easy for me to do the eat local challenge. After all all my favorite beer comes from Washington anyway. I love the bee hive hat all though wifey does not beehive herself in it. I loved the trip of our sunny California friends. Great times and nice weather, yeah.
I love your Odessa, I had to look at it because green is my fav color to work with. Thanks for your post.
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