Saturday, November 18, 2006

Holidays, Here We Come!

So after wallowing in self pity last week, I finally picked up my knitting to make some progress. Without admitting that I have no life other than knitting, running, working, and sleeping (although I did sneak in some bowling at the Garage, and going to a Sonics game), I finished 4 projects this weekend.

Super secret finished project:

Here are two of the fastest scarves ever! They're just rib (k1,p1) with 6-7 stitches per scarf. They're for two girls who love pink and purple. I'm hoping they're a big hit... I'm not hip to what's cool for little girls anymore.

This project is super top secret, but I wanted to show off my finishing skills. Seam? What seam? This is my first super successful mattress stitch seam (look very closely)!

I still have some big plans for more holiday knitting. I cast one a new pair of socks today and am hoping to finish them and make another pair or two. They're bulky for socks, so that should help. They're also made from Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. Who wouldn't want these socks for a present?!

After such a successful mattress stitch, I think I might finally finish some project that just need sewn together (a hat that is too small... maybe one of the little girls would like it?), and a baby sweater for my unconceived child that we're not yet trying to have, but apparently are semi-prepared for (hey- it already has a sweater... almost)!

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