Wednesday, December 13, 2006


So, the baby knitting is not for my unconceived child. No, I'm knitting for a real baby. I have a lot of friends, family, and co-workers who are in some stage of baby-having (a lot of pregnant couples, and a few with actual kids). I'm knitting a top secret adorable present for one of them. Here's your only hint:
By the way, do you notice that amazing intarsia? I know. I'm amazing.

I've also been spinning lately in hopes of convincing hubbie that I need a spinning wheel desperately.
You might have seen some of these skeins before, but now I'm through with all of the fiber in this series. I'm thinking of what I should make. Maybe some sort of cabled floves (fingerless gloves... more like an arm tube, really), or a mini clapis (but this might not be enough yarn for that). We'll see!

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