Over the past week, I feel like I'm starting to gain control again over life (I go through cycles... I'm guessing that's normal?). My house has been spotless for the past week, with a sustainable plan to remain so very exciting). I have begun running (okay, I started yesterday, but I went two days in a row with plans to go with a friend tomorrow). I have made more of a bus knitting effort (the slow results are below, with a shiny quarter to show scale).

I've also fell in love with spinning! I bought a wheel last spring (I know I mentioned it, but I'm not sure I ever showed it in it's adorable beauty):

It's super small and portable - perfect for my tidy duplex! For Christmas, my sweet mother in law bought me a two week spinning class which ended yesterday. I had done a little spinning with my wheel before the class, but now I have a much better understanding of how my wheel works and I LOVE it. Over the course of the past week, I have finished spinning all of the fiber I have:

Now it's time to go back to the store so I can get more fiber for my addiction.
Speaking of addictions, hubbie and I recently bought a Macbook (our poor Toshiba laptop had seen some much better days). The real reason my knitting has been so slow lately is my obsessive computering (I heart my macbook!). It's the second greatest inanimate object in our house (second to the spinning wheel, of course).
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