Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sleeve Drudgery

I'm still hard at work on hubbie's sweater and have finally started the sleeve caps! After these puppies are finally done, I can sew it together and he'll actually get to wear it. I'm sick of talking about this project and I'm sure you're sick of hearing about it! I'm also a little embarrassed of how long this has taken...

After the sweater is done, I am knitting myself a sweater. I've been spinning the pretty green yarn and it's almost ready to be plied! I can't decide between two patterns: The Henley Perfected (ravelry) or Cheri Amour (ravelry). Any opinions would be highly appreciated!

In other fronts: I've been hard at work on the Self Challenge and have finished week 1! My father in law even commented that I look thinner (but it's only been one week, and he always says that, so I'm not too disillusioned).

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